The first Winanglo project is to be known as Winchelsea Community Village - ten small homes suited to older people with ties to Winchelsea.
Many senior members of our community are downsizing, selling their homes and wanting to enjoy a more relaxed lifestyle within our fabulous community. However, in doing so they are faced with the reality that Winchelsea does not have sufficient quality, affordable village lifestyle accommodation. Long-term residents are having to move away, leaving behind family, friends, their social lives and connections.
The Winchelsea Community Village aims to fill this void. It will be state-of-the-art in design and beautifully landscaped. The site will be located on the corner of Harding Street and Hopkins Street, next to the Senior Citizens Club and the Anglican Church.
Proceeds from the project would be available to fund further community projects (of any nature). Winanglo management committee members include representatives of Winchelsea Community Bank, Winchelsea Lions Club, Growing Winchelsea Inc, and interested community members.