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Now Seeking 'Expressions of Interest' from prospective Winchelsea Community Village home buyers.

Construction has commenced on this state-of-the-art project, and we are now seeking 'Expressions of Interest' from locals keen to take advantage of this exciting new development.

Email us today for more information.

Be Quick! Take Your Pick.
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Winanglo Project One
The first Winanglo project is to be known as Winchelsea Community Village - ten small homes suited to older people with ties to Winchelsea.

Many senior members of our community are downsizing, selling their homes and wanting to enjoy a more relaxed lifestyle within our fabulous community. However, in doing so they are faced with the reality that Winchelsea does not have sufficient quality, affordable village lifestyle accommodation. Long-term residents are having to move away, leaving behind family, friends, their social lives and connections.

The Winchelsea Community Village aims to fill this void. It will be state-of-the-art in design and beautifully landscaped. The site will be
located on the corner of Harding Street and Hopkins Street, next to the Senior Citizens Club and the Anglican Church. 

Proceeds from the project would be available to fund further community projects (of any nature). 
Winanglo management committee members include representatives of Winchelsea Community Bank, Winchelsea Lions Club, Growing Winchelsea Inc, and interested community members.

The Objective

Provide a local option for long-standing residents that meet the needs of seniors or people with a disability. These may include young people with a disability, healthy active seniors, and those requiring minimal help with their care. 
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The Development

Make efficient use of existing infrastructure and services and be of good sustainable design. 

Designed to a high standard, with a sympathetic built form and use of materials that are consistent with the existing and future character of the area.
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The Beneficiaries

Seniors aged 55 years or more, and/or people with a disability of any age.
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Winchelsea Community Village


Integration & Support

The support requirements of the majority of seniors are similar to the community at large. 

Often seniors have no immediate need for support services on-site and can seek external support services when needed. 

Research has shown that only between 4% and 7% of seniors aged over 55 will ever require fully supported care.
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Adaptable & Sustainable

Adaptable housing is cost-effective. Research shows that if adaptation is considered at the design phase it can add about 1% - 5% to construction costs compared with traditional housing. 

However, adapting an existing house to provide for disabled access is estimated to add 12 – 25% in additional costs.
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Independant Living

Provision of Ageing In Place

Accessible housing fits well with the current preferences for seniors and people with a disability for independent living, and avoids the personal and economic costs that can result from relocating.  
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The Village Location

Project Partners

Expressions of Interest FAQ

Explore The Village: View the 'Expressions of Interest FAQ' Booklet
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About Winanglo Inc.

An independent incorporated charity

ACNC Registered Charity logo
The board of the Winchelsea Community Bank has set up an independent incorporated charity, Winanglo Inc., for the sole purpose of facilitating community projects in and around Winchelsea, Anglesea and Lorne (Win Ang Lo).

This first project of ten new small homes is suited to older and local people. At present, these people have little choice but to leave Winchelsea (the town they know) as there is currently no independent aged-suitable housing in town.

The site was originally sold for a peppercorn amount by the Church of England to the old Winchelsea Shire with a request that it be used for the wellbeing of the local aged community. These homes will be state-of-the-art design and beautifully landscaped.

In essence, you will be able to buy a lifetime usage right, giving you the right to live in the home for as long as you choose. Any maintenance and management mechanisms associated with the usage right will be fully disclosed as necessary at the time of due diligence.  There is no stamp duty, as there is no title transferred into your name. On departure, and after any expenses required to re-instate the condition of the unit back to its original (new) condiion, the unit will be revalued and any capital gain goes to your family or your estate. 

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